Servizi di agenzia



Based on our knowledge and experience we provide and offer expert support and help to our clients as well as a full package of services, from the selection of sites and properties up to the organization of the moving in and the eventual use of the property chosen.

In addition to our professional team of real estate brokers, we can offer our clients also the services of lawyers, architects, land surveyors and designers within the range of our consulting services.

Gradnja i rekonstrukcija

Construction and Reconstruction

Whether it is a renovation of an old stone house, a development project of a luxury villa or rather the construction of a hotel or larger residential building project- our expert team is at the client’s disposal. Our results accomplished in the past, completed projects and satisfied clients say so much more than words.

Our extensive experience in designing, planning and furnishing resulted in fantastic projects which we will visit on site.

Održavanje i iznajmljivanje

Maintenance and Rental Services

We offer property maintenance services to our clients who wish to have safe and professional care for their property. We also manage the rental of property for clients who wish that their property is not unused.

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